HallowZOOeeN – Tulsa Family Event October 27-31, 2013

Looking for a fun Halloween family activity, check out the Tulsa Zoo’s HallowZOOeeN. One of the great things is that there are several nights available to take in this fun activity. 

Halloween Zoo event

Goblin Stops:

Pirate Island with Ship and Crew

Pumpkin Patch Playroom

Royal Castle with Archery, Crafts and Princessess

Haunted Train Ride

Cross Eyed Carousel

Haunted House

Candy Stops Along the Way

Ticket Prices:

Non-Members: $8

Members: $7

Haunted Train: $4

Cross-Eyed Carousel: $1

Then of course you get to the animals too. So what is not to like about this family activity.


  • Take it at your own pace and take your lead from your kiddo’s. It’s about enjoying the moments and being together as a family having fun. If you feel you are going to run out of time, one option is to give your child or children a choice of which they want to do for their ending activity. Another thought is to look at what is available and start with the things that your children are most interested in.
  • Even though this appears to be a pretty tame event, watching your little ones for signs of being scared and helping them cope is a good idea. What seems so very mild to us as grownups can feel so very scary to a little one or sometimes a not so little one.
  • Staying together as a family makes this a family activity and also keeps it safer. Some families may choose to split up mom and dad with children that have a large age difference. You could even do a balance of some all together and some split up to accommodate the different ages.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you live outside of Tulsa, check your own local zoo and my bet is they have some kind of Halloween or Fall event planned.